Georgia Lightning Protection System
Why you need a lightning protection system in the state of Georgia?
Statistics gathered in 2014 from one insurance firm shows Georgia State leading in terms of number of lightning-related claims. Another report by the University of South Carolina- Hazards and Vulnerability Institute indicates 87 lightning cases in Georgia between 1959 and 2009, which caused property damages running to ten million dollars.
These lightning strikes have been observed to occur mostly in summer season and during months that have extreme weather patterns. With this in mind, it is important for a home or property owner to install lightning protection systems in their buildings.
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Who can install Georgia lighting protection for your property?
If you are looking for qualitylightning protection installation, be keen on the experience, qualification and expertise of the lightning protection installation company. With such a company, you will get value for your money by having your home and family protected from lighting damage.
What kind of property can have lightning protection system in Georgia?
Lightning protection is equally important regardless of whether the property is residential or commercial. This is because lightning strikes are indiscriminate of the nature of property. The installation time is not specific and one can choose to do it during the construction process or when the building is complete.
Cost of Georgia lightning protection System
The prices offered by different lightning protection companies vary and it is therefore wise to shop around for the price that is most competitive. As a general rule, avoid prices that are overly low as the quality of work may be equally poor.
Commercial Lightning Protection
Many industrial and commercial property owners are choosing lightning protection systems for their structures as part of the overall security package to protect property, inventory, electrical equipment and precious human life.
Residential Lightning Protection
A lightning protection system consist of many components. The key components, which work together to protect structures from lightning damage are air terminals, conductors, bonds, ground terminations, and surge protection devices.
Lightning Protection for Barns & Farmhouses
We install lightning rods with wire connections to the ground for barns. If lightning strikes the barn, it won’t bother your horses because the rods will absorb the brunt of it.
Lightning Protection for Trees
Lightning protection devices from WB Lightning Rods can lessen the likelihood of harm from a lightning strike. In order to mitigate the risk of tree damage and carry the electrical charge to the soil, where the energy is diffused, lightning protection systems use copper conductors coupled to a ground rod. Our technologies have a strong track record of safeguarding trees, and also lessen the possibility of a side-flash to neighboring structures.
Lightning Rods
The lightning rod, which Benjamin Franklin invented in 1749, is a metal pole mounted atop a building that draws lightning’s electrical charge away from the structure. The rod is attached to an aluminum or copper cable that’s connected to an underground conductive grid.
Georgia is a southeastern U.S. state whose terrain spans coastal beaches, farmland and mountains. Capital city Atlanta is home of the Georgia Aquarium and the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site, dedicated to the African-American leader’s life and times. The city of Savannah is famed for its 18th- and 19th-century architecture and leafy public squares. Augusta hosts the Masters golf tournament. ― Google